Friday, June 30, 2017

Day 9: Funtastic Friday

Today's games were Pop The Balloon, Musical Chairs,  and Dodgeball.
Pop the Balloon consists of a balloon being tied to everyone's ankles and the goal is to pop the other teams balloons. So the kids run around trying to pop the other teams balloons. So much fun!!
Musical chairs was fun and got the kids up & moving around.
Dodgeball is always popular and all the kids can participate.  They call it Matagente, which translates to Kill People. And, not do they!!
Afterwards was a special time as we divided up a bunch of the clothes that had been donated and the staff passed it out to all the kids. Everyone went home with something, and the excitement on their faces when they received something was priceless!!
Had our last night of soccer practice and home we came to pack. We will tour Lima tomorrow,  then head up for Awana and Youth group,  and then to the airport.  Can believe our time is up already....

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