Saturday, June 17, 2017

Day 14: London & Windsor

We basically had a free morning until our Windsor tour, so we slept a little and went to Platform 9 & 3/4 for some Harry Potter fun!! We then headed over to the Albert & Victoria Museum while waiting for our bus to Windsor.  Traffic was crazy as it was Trouping of the Colors today.  No, our group did not see the Royal Family today but Queen Elizabeth did show up while we were at Windsor. Grabbed a quick lunch & off to tour Windsor we went. If you noticed our pics, it's quite sunny here....and warm... mid 80s, which sounds good to you at home, but we're sweating over here. At dinmer, we celebrated oir Tour Director Mike's birthday a bit early. Then we got some last minute shopping in and sadly said good-bye to our new friends from Indiana, Hawaii,  and California.  They all leave in the a.m. whereas we are staying an extra day. I'm not going to say what we're'll just have to check back mañana!!

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