Sunday, June 11, 2017

Day 8: Edinburgh

Today we toured the beautiful Edinburgh!! For the most part, we had beautiful weather...but rain hit us off and on. We picked up our guide, Davey, and off we went. First stop was Holyrood Palace, were Queen Elizabeth stays when she's in town. Then we toured around this majestic city, saw some Harry Potter sites, and ended up at Edinburgh Castle. We toured around there, saw the crown jewels, the big cannon, etc... By then, we were starving, so off to lunch at Pizza Express
 After lunch, we met up with a PV alum who is working in Edinburgh for a few months. Then, we hit the Royal Mile. Shopping & climbing the volcano were high on our To Do well as wander.  Our final activity was a Scottish Ceilidh,  complete with food, dance, & music. Fun was had by all!!

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