Saturday, June 10, 2017

Day 7: Let's go to Scotland

Up, bright & early and on the bus for a majority of the some great time to nap. Yesterday was such a beautiful, the opposite.  Rain almost the entire day. First stop was Bowness where the kids & I opted to do a boat cruise. Got our tickets, off we went. Yep, dude put us on the wrong boat to the wrong town. Luckily the bus hadn't passed it yet, so they picked us up, so we just ended up with a shorter cruise than we paid for. We stopped at Rydal Mount where William Wordsworth once lived. Stopped in Grasmere to see his burial plot & grab some lunch....all that done in the rain... Last stop was Gretna Green, just inside the Scottish border. This is where people used to elope...and we got to see at least 3 weddings take place while we were there.  Dinner stop and then off to our hotel in Stirling.  We are spoiled with our own rooms...and I think we're going to enjoy it!!
Tomorrow we're off to Edinburgh & then a Scottish Ceilidh for dinner!

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