Sunday, June 18, 2017

Day 15: Lions and Tigers and....

We said good-bye to all then other groups today as they headed home and we extended our trip for an extra day. We decided to go to the London Zoo today...and it was great!! A bit warm but a nice zoo!! Saw playful monkeys,  cute penguins, lions, tigers...but no bears... Saw giraffes, zebras, kangaroos, and even a sloth!! We then took a bus & the Tube and went to Hard Rock Cafe,  the original one, for lunch...for the following reasons: air conditioning (have I mentioned it's a bit warm here?), free water...with ice, free ketchup, free & reliable WiFi, and nice,  clean toilets.  It's the simple things in life when you travel!! We then did some shopping on Oxford Street, had dinner with our day guide, Inga, and headed back to the hotel to pack. We have an early transfer in the morning to Heathrow. Pray for smooth, one-time flights for us as we head home Monday!!
Hugs & talk to you next from the good ol' USA!!

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