Friday, June 23, 2017

Day 1: Perú

Thursday we embarked on a new adventure to volunteer in Perú at the Voices4Peru school run by PV alum Daniel Klopp ('94). Last summer we went with 6 kids and what a powerful impact it had...on the Peruvian kids but more on our PV kids.  This summer we have 18 kids and a few adults wanting to go so we spread it out over 3 separate trips and this is trip one. On this trip are: Joslyn (Josefina), McClain K
(Margarita), and Cecilie (Yolanda).
We left bright and early to drive to Chicago for an 840 flight.  We flew Chicago to Panama City to Lima on Copa. Decent flights, not on time, but no running thru airports :)
We arrive about 8pm safe & sound in Lima with all our luggage. We brought 8 suitcases of donations with us as at our last meeting we packed 40 suitcases full of donations!
We were met by Daniel, Jheisson and Victor.
The girls were quickly baptized into Peruvian traffic...and the honking. We stopped at La Lucha, an amazing sandwich shop, for dinner before heading to the Townhouse. Exhausted but happy to be in Perú!!

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