Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 4: Blarney and the Bus

Today was quite a bit of time of the bus...but some beautiful stops along the way.
First stop was Blarney...we headed straight to the Castle & good thing we did because the line just got worse shortly after. Watch out, parents, the kids will be coming home with the gift of gab...and maybe a lip fungus...from kissing the Blarney Stone. Just kidding about the fungus!! Rian is the only fun-guy we're bringing home!! Hahaha...
It rained & drizzled most of the day, so the kids wandered the grounds, made wishes on the Wishing Steps, grabbed lunch & off we went.
Nap time with some Irish music.
Our potty break was in Cahir, new for Señorita, and Castle #4. :)
Our final destination today was Dublin. Quick little walk thru Temple Bar area, and off to dinner we went.
Our hotel is outside of Dublin a bit. It's an old boarding school turned Sports Complex...but it has a Castle. So our Castle Count is up to 5...pretty good for Day 4.
Tomorrow we're off to tour Dublin and do any last minute Ireland souvenir shopping as we're heading across to Wales Friday.

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