Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day 9: Gardens. Capes, Baboons & Penguins...oh my!!

We left Cape Town and headed out of the city. First stop was the Kirstenbosch Gardens...tree top walk and beautiful flowers native to SAfrica. Our drive then took us along the coast of the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. We stopped at Cape Point,  which felt like the end of the earth. Beautiful views...and a bit windy. And crazy baboons running around!!
Lunch was along the beach at a beautiful seafood restaurant.
Last stop was The Boulders....the Penguin colony!! So much fun watching them come out of the water, flap their wings, and waddle up to the beach.
Our farewell dinner was down on the Bay. We still have a full day Thursday as our flight doesn't leave until 11pm, so will try to blog at the airport before our 30 hr travel day/s home.

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