Friday, July 21, 2017

Day 4: More fun!!

Another Starbucks run, and off we go! Our drive to the school takes us about an hour as traffic in Lima is horrible at all hours of the day. We picked up lunch from Victor's sister. She cooks all our amazing food...tiday was Lomo Saltado...a Peruvian specialty...and a favorite of the Gringos. The kids did some organized games again today with the kids:  Duck, Duck, Goose; Dodgeball, and Tug-of-war. We played Gringos vs. Peruanos (Gringos lost) and then played Girls vs. Boys. Best moment was in Tug-of-war,  Gringos vs. Peruanos. We decided that on 3, instead of tugging, we would just let go of the rope. All the little kids went was priceless!! I never laughed so hard! The little kids thought it was hilarious!!!
Had lunch at an Italian place last night and wandered to get ice cream...a great end to another beautiful day!!

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