Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 6: Saturday

Went down to Miraflores today along the Green Coast. They call it the Green Coast because of all the greenery as well as green for all the money there too.
After a stop at Starbucks, we hit Park Kennedy, also known as Cat Park. There were many artists out today pedaling thfor work. Kids did some retail therapy at the Inca Market.  Grabbed some delicious lunch and off to Owansa we went.
Every Saturday they have Owansa (Awana) for the 6-14 yr olds. They play games, sing, do Bible studies, and have a mini sermon...and end with snacks.
Next up on Saturday nights is Youth Group. All the boys in the club have to attend twice a month. Some of the little kids attend as well as community members.
It was a beautiful night!!

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