Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Day 2: Ventanilla & Las Lomas

We headed up the hill today and took a mini-tour of Ventanilla. It was pretty humbling to see the mass amounts of humanity that live in a small area, and without basic services. Everyone has electricity, but not all communities have water pumped to their houses. We stopped at a neighborhood cemetery that is now surrounded by a fence & security cameras to prevent the mafia from breaking in & stealing bodies for organs. Yep, true story.
We then grabbed lunch and headed up the hill to the school. Had lunch in the community building and waited for the kids to trickle in...and they did!! For the next few hours, we just played with the kids...a little 4 square, volleyball, Frisbee, etc... Just spending quality time with the kids!! Dinner was at our favorite... La Lucha!!
Overall, a successful day with lots of smiles & giggles!!

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