Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 5: Blessing others

Sorry I'm behind in my blogging. I've been exhausted at night when we get back and am fighting a cold. But no worries, I'm not sick like Daniel. He ate/drank something on Monday and has been ill ever since. We haven't seen him all week, pobrecito!!
This morning Abuela Dinah & I got up early and went to the Preschool to see their program. It's their National Holiday next week, so the kids had been studying the different regions in Perú and each age level studied a different region and dresses in costume.  They had to decorate a wall, bring in food from that region, and learn a dance. I was asked to be a Judge!! What an honor!! Amazing what they did and how proud they are of their country!
Afterwards, we took donations to Wawawasi, a day care in another village. The moms leave their kids for 33 cents/day so they can go to work and have a safe place to leave their kids. We arrived at snack time...some were happy to see us and others sure were not.
Next stop was the neighborhood with the handicapped residents. The caretaker of the neighborhood took us around, knocking on doors so we could gift them blankets, as it's quite chilly in Perú in the winter. What a blessing to be able to bring some joy & comfort to people's lives!!
Back up to Las Lomas we went for some more fun & games of Duck Duck Goose,  Musical Chairs, Tug of War, and Dodgeball. All fan favorites!!
Last stop of the day was soccer practice. All 3 teams had practice on the artificial turf, non regulation sized field. Afterwards, we passed out vitamins to the players to help with their nutrition. We also gifted Coach with a new ball pump, a couple stop watches,  and a new whistle.
Simple things can sometimes make the biggest impact.

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