Monday, July 7, 2008

Made it...whew!!

Well, I made it - woo hoo!! All the flights went well - had a little rough landing in San Jose, but the flight over the Caymen Islands was well worth it!! The water was about 3 different shades of blue - and that´s what I could see from the plane!! Breathtaking!

So, we land in CR - my luggage comes right off and I head to the ATM. Well, one should really research what the exchange rate is before coming to a I head to the ATM and it tells me I can take out money is amounts of 1000. Not really having a clue, I take out 2000. Yep, that´s about $4. When I saw my balance was 500,000+, I felt like a millionaire, especially after being in Spain with that darn Euro!!
So, I guess I´d better get some more money out to survive the week!! :)

Once we went to catch the shuttle, the heavens opened up and we had ourselves a HUGE downpour!! Ugh!! We ended up in a taxi, not really knowing if he was going to take us to the hotel or leave us out in the middle of nowhere for dead. But it was $5 a piece (and I could pay in dollars!) and we arrived safe & sound - still in the downpour. It´s a quaint little hotel/resort. I basically dumped my stuff and started exploring - the downpour has stopped. The flora & fauna is amazing - and I´m still at the hotel. Gonna wander around a bit - take pics and see what exploring I can do.

Everyone is super nice & friendly here & not the nice-friendly-looking for a tip type. That´s a switch!
Will post later as internet is free for guests! WOO HOO!!

p.s. am still getting used to the keyboard - it´s like the european ones - things are moved and it´s frustrating, but i´ll deal...carpe diem!! :)

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