Tuesday, July 8, 2008

And the fun begins....

So, today is Day 1 of the conference. Sessions went from 8-5. Am a tad tired of sitting all day. The best part of one of the sessions was the view from the room (hence the pic) - high up on the 5th floor over looking the pool area with an awesome view of the mountains & all the greenery of CR. Am WAY excited to get out & explore! I have met up with some colegas that I met in Salt Lake City in Feb at that conference, so that´s been fun to run into "old" friends. Mainly there´s a bunch of Spanish teachers running around, wearing this crazy neck pouches and studying the conference programs trying to decide which session will be worth their time. Had some good ones today... had some real snoozers today.... but that happens at all conferences. The vendors haven´t been too impressive - no one to really schmooze and get some free stuff out of (you know me - that´s what I do at conferences....).

The weather has ebbed & flowed as well. Last night it cooled off & was absolutely gorgeous - great sleeping weather. Woke up to sun & blue skies....and then it started raining this afternoon. Guess it´s their rainy season here - goes from May-Nov...nice...it can rain all it wants while I´m in sessions, but not when I´m out exploring the flora & fauna of this amazing country!!

Tomorrow looks to be a great day! Am off to the Poas Volcano & La Paz waterfall gardens! Just sounds heavenly, doesn´t it!?!?! :) Better get my batteries charges and ready to go!!

Well, must jet - I think there´s a cerveza or a mojito calling my name after sitting on my culo all day listening to presenters!!
Ciao ciao *** steph :)

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