Thursday, July 31, 2008

Camels!!!! Oh, wait...Dromedaries!!! 7/26/08

So, today I was told that riding the camel/dromedary was not an option. We had to vote on it and us camel riders lost out...hence some of the beverages consumed the previous night at the "camel table." Well....I rode a dromedary today!!! We saw one at a pit stop where you had to tip people to get your picture with them. Seems to be the common thread anywhere. We were told not to take pics of locals and, if we did, then it was expected that you would tip them.

The day started out quite hot - go figure! We stopped in the lovely town of Kairouan - south of Tunis, and saw 2 beautfiul mosques. You had to have your knees and shoulders covered to enter or you could rent a robe. At the first place, many paid the 1 dinar to rent them and then got smart at the 2nd place and just pulled their bermuda shorts down far enough to cover their knees - was quite hilarious watching that!!

Then, we got to see a carpet show - good deals for you!! Watched the whole show....yadda yadda...we ship for you...whatever... just a few people bought rugs. I was not one of them!

We kept heading south and east and stopped at El Jem, with this HUGE Roman Colosseum. We even went underneath where they kept the animals and the Gladiators before their big show down. On our way out, there were 2 dromedaries (1 hump camels) and I figured I'd just get my pic with thing I know, the guy puts me up on one and off I go!!! Quite awkward, but still....I got to ride a camel/dromedary in Africa!!! Woo hoo!!

The landscape in Tunisia is quite different. Up, along the coast, it was quite mountainous and green, but the farther south we went, it was barren, desert, flat, not much vegetation, etc... Quite interesting...and real hot! ugh! Luckily our driver keeps our bus freezing!! Gotta love Rauof!!

Another evening of good dinner, some polka dancing with good friends, good wine & good laughter!!

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