Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day 2: London, Baby!!!!

London, Baby!!!!!

We made it safe & sound – smooth flights, if you discount the power shutting off on the plane right before take- off.  Kids got some sleep, but were ready to go once we landed.  We had time at the airport to freshen up before meeting the other groups, sending our luggage to the hotel, and heading off into Center City via the Tube.  Yep, introduced them to the Tube right away.  We had about an hour to chill, eat, drink, pee before heading for our Harry Potter tour!  We met our HP guide, and she immediately had us divide into houses.  Most of us adults were Slytherin…no comments ;)  She talked a lot about the books, the movies, the stars, and then off we went. We saw the Millennium Bridge that the Death Eaters blow up.  We saw Diagon Alley, and ended at Platform 9 ¾.  All along the way, we had trivia to score points for the House Cup Champions.  Wasn’t looking good for the Slytherins…until we found a Horcrux and won the whole thing!  Next up was dinner, a quick stop in Picadilly Circus, and then out to our hotel…finally.
The weather was phenomenal today…mid 60s, little bit of a breeze. Perfect!
Tomorrow we’re out to Bath & Stonehenge and the going to see Wicked tomorrow night!
We should all sleep well tonight…6 miles of walking will tire a person out!

Until the next post…

Senorita J

Adios Detroit - Here we come, London!

Riding on the Tube

Yep, they bought a selfie stick!!!

Well, Hello London!!

St. Paul's in the background

Riding on a Double-Decker Bus

Slytherin Winners!!

Picadilly Circus...we're exhausted, Srta!!

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