Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 15: Vesuvius & Pompeii

We said good-bye to the Arkansas & Florida groups, boarded the bus with our Utah friends, and off we went!  Today we are heading south to Mount Vesuvius & Pompeii.  The kids got some great napping in on the drive, and with the entire bus to ourselves, we could spread out!
Our first stop was Vesuvius and the drive up the mountain was the most entertaining part as the roads are quite narrow and there are buses going up & down.  Once we got parked, off the kids went for the last 200 meters hike up the top of the volcano to put their mouth in the mouth of the volcano. lol
After the hike, we grabbed lunch on the slopes of the volcano & then headed to Pompeii.  We met our local guide who took us through the ruins. It's so amazing to see buildings, hear the stories, see the molds of the people who
We headed to our hotel in Sorrento, had dinner, and then wandered looking for some Wi-Fi and gelato!  We found some we always do!  :)

Off to the island of Capri tomorrow!!

Until the next post...
~Señorita :)

Nick on the top of Vesuvius

Kyle on Vesuvius

My little mountain goats

Pompeii...with Vesuvius in the background

Nick & Hannah hugging the pillars

Whipping around Europe

Abbey Road wanna be's

Lauren made a new friend

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