Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 11: Florence & Pisa

Today we toured 2 amazing cities…Florence & Pisa.  We headed into Florence, met our local guide and off we went. Saw the Duomo, the Tower & Baptistery, walked to D’ante’s house, the Piazza with the fake David statue, and the Arno River where we stood on the Ponte Vecchio Bridge and got some amazing shots.  At the end of our tour, we stopped at a leather store where they talked to us about good leather & bad leather and then the kids got to shop.  We headed for lunch & then afterwards had some free time.  Most got some gelato..the first of many. We wandered, shopped, enjoyed life in the hustle & bustle of Florence.  Boy, were there a lot of cruise ships in town and on tours.
We boarded the bus and headed an hour to Pisa. It’s kind of obnoxious to get in to the Piazza as there are oodles & oodles of street vendors annoying you to death to buy stupid stuff. And, just when you’ve had enough, you enter the arch way and KABAM!  There’s the Leaning Tower of Pisa!  We met our local guide and first toured the Baptistery where we heard them chant and listened to it echo & reverberate off the walls.  Next up was the Cathedral before finally checking out the Leaning Tower…and it actually leans pretty good.  The kids took some hilarious pics, so wait until you see them!!
Dinner was some good ol’ Italian pizza with some more gelato afterwords!!
Tomorrow we pack up & head to Rome, but we’re making 2 pit stops on the way: San Gimignano & Assisi!

Until the next post…

~Señorita :)

**pics will be posted later - horridly slow internet

Laylon and his new friend

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Cedric stole all the phones at dinner

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