Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spanish Fiesta!!

Today is our day!  We're off to Spain!  14 days, 3 countries, 2 continents, 14 students, and 2 fortunate adults. Our tour starts in Barcelona, heads south, across to Morocco for a day, up to Madrid, and then hopefully, an uneventful night train to Lisbon, Portugal. Our tour director is the infamous Fran, who I've worked with before, so we'll be in good hands!  Our flights are pretty good too - Moline - Atlanta - Barcelona, arriving at 8:30 am.
All our planning & preparing is finally paying off!
Trip #18 is about to begin - thanks for following along on our adventures!
Until the next post,
~steph :)
Here's our shirts this year...a shout out to World Cup, which starts while we're in Spain.  We're hoping to catch a few games on the TV with the locals.
La Jefa - The Boss (what else would my nickname be?!!? lol)

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