Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 2: We have arrived!!

We have arrived!!  Flights went smoothly and we even arrived early into Barcelona!  And all our luggage made it too – that makes for happy travelers!  We met up with Fran, our Tour Director, as well as the other groups and off to the hotel we went. Surprisingly, our rooms were ready, so we dumped bags, changed clothes and headed into town.  Our hotel is a bit outside of center city, so the kids got to experience all sorts of public transportation.  We took the tram into the city, then took the metro into Plaza Catalunya, the main square at the top of Las Ramblas.  Las Ramblas is the big pedestrian area with all sorts of sites: artists, flowers, street artists, pickpocketers, etc… Mrs. Ward & the kids headed to lunch and some shopping & wandering while Fran & I headed back to the airport to pick up Angela. She had different flights than the rest of us as she’s staying behind to visit her brother in London. Successfully snagged Angela and took a cab back to the hotel, then grabbed the bus back to Plaza Catalunya.  Told you it was a day full of public transport…which the kid noted, wishing we had more public transport back home. They were all pretty exhausted when we headed back to the hotel for dinner.  Most of the kids headed up to their rooms after dinner for a shower and sleep (which they didn’t get much of on the plane), while the boys & I went for a ‘digestive walk,’ which entailed us finding delicious Magnum ice cream bars, a Burger King bathroom, and a pick-up game of basketball with the locals due to a lost wager.
All in all, a successful first day in Spain!  The kids say it’s Spain 1, Bettendorf 0…and they haven’t really seen anything yet.  Tomorrow is our city tour of Barcelona, so they’ll be gawking over all the Gaudi stuff.
I’ll let you know what the score is after tomorrow J
Buenas noches!

~steph J

My 'digest walk' buddies enjoying Magnum ice cream bars...yummmm!!!

Jack (in yellow) and Rob (in brown) playing in a pick-up game with the locals.

1 comment:

stempel said...

What a great experience!