Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 5: Boring Bus...but Gorgeous Granada!

The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round…’round and ‘round…’round and ‘round…the wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round all day long!!
We had a looooong bus travel day as we headed southwest out of Valencia towards Granada. We did a couple bonus stops in on the day.  We did our first potty stop in the gorgeous seaside town of Alicante.  We hopped off the bus and went straight down & put our toes in the Mediterranean…sigh…delightful!  Our lunch stop a few hours later was in Murcia, a town that neither I nor Mallorie had ever been to. A delightful old town square with beautiful buildings.  Our last stop was just a gas station for a quick potty break and off to Granada we went. 
A glorious town nestled in the Sierra Nevada, with its whitewashed buildings and the Alhambra towering above.  We took a quick city tour and saw the crypts of the Kings & Queens (Ferdinand, Isabel, Juana la loca, Felipe el hermoso).
A quick dinner later and we were back in mini-buses off to watch a flamenco show done by gypsies in the caves. We took a quick tour through the Albacyn area of town with the white-washed walls, and glorious views of the Alhambra at night. Fun event was being attacked by little hoodlums wielding water balloons. J  Kids…
The gypsy show was great (kids enjoyed their muted sangria) and two of our girls, Carolyn & Aishwarya, were picked to dance in the show…which was super cool as Carolyn in an amazing dancer…La Bailarina is living up to her tshirt nickname!!
All in all, a looooong day on the bus makes everyone a little stir crazy, but we weathered it the best we could and enjoyed a fabulous evening of flamenco!
Tomorrow we’re up early to see the Alhambra and then head down to Costa del Sol for some beach time!
Until the next post!

~steph J

First time in the Mediterranean in Alicante

Nicole enjoying some chocolate yumminess in Murcia

With Isabel & Christopher Columbus statue in Granada

Jack enjoying everyone else's desserts while they went to change.

Can you spot our 2 photo bombers at the Alhambra overlook?!?

Carolyn & Aishwarya after showing off their Flamenco moves!

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