Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 3: Bring it, Barcelona!

We took Barcelona by storm today!  It’s going to be hard to get the kids to leave in the morning.  But, leave we must!
We hopped on the bus this morning for our guided city tour.  Picked up our local guide, Dan, and headed up toward the Olympic venues where Barcelona hosted the 1992 Olympics. Although we missed a great overview photo opp due to an accident on the roadway, it was cool for the kids to see the Olympic stadium and Torch. Off to Parc Guell, a Dali-inspired park, originally designed to be a town for the upper crust of society.  Kids loved strolling through the gardens and grounds and seeing all the mosaic tile artwork. The views of the city are outstanding up there on top of the hill. Last stop was La Sagrada Familia – it was a very Dali-esque day!  Our local guide took us around to all the sides of the Basilica and explained each side.  2 of the 3 facades are done. They hope to have it done in 2026…but they need to bulldoze about two city blocks of buildings to make room for the unfinished Glory façade entrance.
Our original plan was to have the local guide drop us off back at Las Ramblas as we had free time until dinner. Well, after some creative scheming… I went off & got tickets to go in. We ended up getting a group rate, with a free Audio guide…all for 10 Euros ($15).  Soooooo worth it!!  Grabbed a quick lunch and in we went!  After all my years in Spain, it was my first time ever going in to La Sagrada Familia.  It was unreal.  The lights, the colors, the design…incredible!  You felt like you were in a forest…which goes with Gaudi’s three passions in life: architecture, religion, & nature. The kids felt sooo smart all day as we’ve talked about Gaudi, his life, and his masterpieces. It was fun for the classroom to come to life for them today.
They’re being more adventures in their Spanish speaking…taking more risks on talking to the locals… asking about how to say things… sure makes a teacher’s heart swell!!  J
After a few good hours there taking pictures, exploring, etc… we met up with the other groups for dinner.  Of course we had to stop for ice cream on our way!  Wandered around Barca a bit after dinner and then headed back to the hotel.  A long day out (12.5 hrs) but what an amazing day!  We got a bit of sun…a few blisters, but some great pics, fun memories…and about a bazillion selfies!
Tomorrow we pack up & head south to Valencia!  Off to explore what else Spain has to offer!!
Until the next post…and hopefully a hotel with better Wi-Fi so I can post pics!
~steph J

Enjoying Parc Guell

The boys chillin' in the park

We're going in!!!!

My silly sombreros!

LOVED the Sagrada Familia!!

Everyone in on the Magnum bar deliciousness!

Carolyn & Angela went for round 2 of Magnum Bars :)

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