Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 8: Last day in Athens

We got to sleep in until 7 this morning and had a leisurely breakfast before heading into Athens. Our first stop was the new Acropolis Museum in the shadows of the Acropolis.  It was spectacular!! After an hour there, we headed to the Plaka and the kids had some free time to do some last-minute shopping, grab some last-minute delicious Greek food, and explore.
In the afternoon, we met back up and headed south to Cape Sounion & the Temple of Poseidon...thus completing the triangle (Parthenon, Temple of Aphaea, Temple of Poseidon). What a gorgeous location on the water...making us all wish we could stay & watch sunset.
Back to the hotel for some packing, dinner, t-shirt presentation to Maria, our guide, some tears, hugs, laughter...and of course, some UNO.

Sorry this is a bit short, but we have a 2:30 wake-up call so we can head to the airport for our early flight. After the rousing UNO game, I sent the kids to bed at 10...hopefully they'll get some sleep and not SnapChat or Tweet each other all night...sigh...the joys of Wi-Fi in the rooms.

Thanks again to everyone for reading this.  Kids are excited to head home, see loved ones & pets & sleep in their own bed, but we've had an AMAZING week here...and really don't want to leave!

So, Kalinichta for now...See you soon!!
I'll recap tomorrow or Monday from Iowa!

Taking the tram into Athens

Our local guide, Fani, started braiding Emma's hair...sooo sweet!!

Completing the Triangle!!

Jumpin' for Joy!

All the Iowa & Florida kids jumpin' for joy!

Saying Good-bye to our great driver, Zaphiris.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Too bad the week is over, but I am ready to see the kids, hear the stories, and learn all about the fabulous time you gave them.