Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 4: Vivacious Valencia

Up bright & early to say good-bye to Barcelona as today we headed south to Valencia.  It was about a 4 hour bus ride through the beautiful landscape of Cataluña, catching glimpses of the Mediterranean Sea. Upon arrival in Valencia, we hit up the market area for lunch, and then took a walk through the Plaza & hit up the Cathedral with the Holy Grail.  Valencia has such a great feel to the city with its old world feel, mixed with its futuristic feel with the Oceanarium.  We quickly, and I do mean quickly, dumped our bags and high tailed it off to the Oceanarium so we could make the dolphin show.  We then had about an hour to wander and see the sea lions, sharks, penguins, sting rays, beluga whales, and turtles.  We took a leisurely stroll back to the hotel along the main road to check out these crazy buildings.  It was a bit warm today in the sun, so sunscreen & water were a must!  We found a nice grocery store near our hotel so loaded up on water & Gatorade.  Had some down time in our hotel, and as you can see from the photos, EXCELLENT Wi-Fi!!!  After dinner, we headed back out to see the place all lit up with lights…and to try to find a place for some soccer. The kids have a soccer ball they’re itching to play with!
All in all, the kids have really enjoyed Valencia, even from the moment they got off the bus!  J  There’s so much more of Spain to see, that I’m excited to see their reactions!  Their pictures are amazing!  And they’ve taken a gazillion selfies – LOL J
Tomorrow is a quiet day as we’re on a bus for 7+ hrs, still heading south and west, towards Granada. Guess I’ll have to get creative with the group shots tomorrow!
Until the next post!

~steph J

Enjoying some yummy juices in the market

Getting our slushy fix for the dolphin show

Had a blast at the Oceanografic!

Jumping for joy in Valencia

My lovely ladies!

Night time fun

Playground antics
Awwww...sharing some horchata :)

1 comment:

stempel said...

Love the pics. Keep them coming.