Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 15: Pompeii & Sorrento

Today we headed south to Pompeii. Boy, if we thought Rome was hot, Pompeii was just as hot. Luckily there was a breeze or we would have died from shade out there in Pompeii.
Here we are in the main square in Pompeii with Mt. Vesuvius in the background.

Our wonderful local guide, Roberto, showed the place off to us...and showed us where to get some water.
Oh, roomies!! One of the precious moments on tour when they're not stealing each other's stuff, hiding sheets and matresses not clothes :)At the end of our tour, Kimberlyn won a cameo made from shell rock - gorgeous!!
After lunch near Pompeii, we headed to Mount Vesuvius - the drive up was gorgeous, overlooking Pompeii and Bay of Naples. Above is a picture of all the brave souls who did the climb up - WOO HOO!!
We checked into our lovely hotel and immediately headed to the beach!

Sadly we were only down there for about 1/2hour, but it was ll worth it! Cedric even had a great time!
After dinner, we headed into town for our last gelatto stop...sigh... one of the main things we will miss about Italy!
After a round of hugs, Tyler showed me the heart-leaf that he found.
What a lovely city - so quiet & quaint! There were even fireworks going off...sadly couldn't see them.

Tomorrow is our last day.... sob sob...

~steph :)

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