Friday, March 9, 2012

Welcome to Italy!!!

Welcome to Italy!!! We had some rough flights from Minneapolis to JFK as well as JFK to Milan...but this is what we woke up to...sunrise over the Alps...sigh...look at those colors...amazing!

We met our Tour Director, Mario, as well as our driver, Pietro, and we were whisked away to a lovely town, Arona, just along the Lake. A bit chilly, but the sun started to come out. We grabbed an Expresso at this lovely little cafe as well as Crepe...Welcome to Italy!!
Back to the airport we went to meet up with the other 3 groups on our bus: Texas, Colorado & Florida. After loading all on the bus, we headed to Verona.
Got to see Juliette's house/balcony...see all the love locks...all the messages... We wandered around the lovely town....and had Gelato!!! :)

Overall a great day! We're currently just outside of Venice along the sea and heading into town on the Ferry tomorrow. A great day planned with glassblowing, San Marco's square and a Gondola ride...stay tuned!

~Steph :)

1 comment:

stempel said...

Love the photo from Verona!!