Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 10: Capri

What another gorgeous day today! We have been sooooooooo lucky with weather on this trip - it's quite unreal.... actually we heard today that the icky weather is coming, so I guess it's time for us to go!
We grabbed a ferry out to Capri this morning from Sorento, did a boat cruise around the island to see the White Grotto as well as the Coral Grotto. Did a walking tour of the village, ending at the gardens below...
Had some free time to explore and go down to the beach to see the crystal clear water...amazing! Ferry back to Naples - Bus to Rome and here we are... packing and hoping to get some sleep before our 6:15 am shuttle to the airport.
We sadly said good-bye to our Colorado friends...first ones in, last ones out.
We've had a great time - we're all completely exhausted, a bit sunburnt, and broke, but such big smiles on their faces... good stuff!!
Excited to see you all & share stories!!
See you soon!
Wish us luck on our travels home!!
~steph :)

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