Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 4: Florence and Pisa

What another great day!! We are all completely exhausted right that makes for a great day! We sadly had to say good-bye to Venice and head west to Florence. We went to a leather demonstration, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and took a wonderful tour of the lovely city of Florence.
Saw the Uffizi Gallery, Ponte Vecchio, and the Duomo...amazing!! Below, behind me and my masked crusaders is a statue of Neptune. Had some free time for shopping...and gelato at one of the best places in Florence, Grom...had to stand in line for a good 20+ minutes...totally worth it.
Our hotel is out in Montecatini, so after we checked in, had dinner, we headed to Pisa for a private night tour. It was great! So beautiful lit up at night. We had basically the whole magical square to ourselves and a lovely guide explaining it all.... Amazing!!
All in all...we're pretty exhausted...but all for a good cause!
The weather has been absolutely amazing! Now that we've moved away from the water, it's gorgeous - sun shining, barely a cloud in the sky!!

Tomorrow consists of some more time in Firenze, and then off to Siena.
Hope all is well in your neck-of-the-woods! Hard to believe we're almost half-way through our trip!! One week to go... hope it goes slowly as we're having too much fun to think about home!

Hugs ~ steph :)

1 comment:

stempel said...

Amazing!! Glad you are having a good time.