Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 9: Pompeii & Mt Vesuvius

Day 9 took us out of Rome, heading south to Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii. We went into the National Park and the drive up was spectacular!! Most of the kids grabbed walking sticks and headed up the volcano to see the crater and the view - amazing!!
After a quick lunch, Pompeii was next on our list. The kids LOVED it!! So amazing to see the ruins afte so many years...unreal...
Our hotel was located near Sorrento so that we can head to Capri tomorrow. After dinner, we took the kids down to the beach so they could dip their toes into the Sea...a bit chilly, but fun to watch them drawing in the sand and trying to skip stones.
Tomorrow we're off to Capri - pray for good weather!!
~steph :)

1 comment:

stempel said...

Thanks for the pictures and the updates. Looks like you are having a great time. Remember all the good bargains are on the bottom of Capri!!