Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 11: On the Road again...

FCO --> EWR --> ATL --> MLI

Well, it's sadly that time again... good-bye's are no fun... so as I told the kids, it'll just be "See you soon!" What an amazing 10 days we have had during our Spring Break. Hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I have to be at work Monday morning at 8 am. Typically I have the summer to recover...guess it'll be about 9 hours instead. :) But, all worth it. Such a priviledge to watch how the kids changed, matured, came together as a mini-family over the 10 days...and to have been able to watch their faces light up at the amazing sites we saw.

We were the 1st ones to land here in Italy, and we're the last ones to leave. We had a 10 am flight out of Rome to Newark, so our wake-up call wasn't as early as Colorado's 3:30 am departure. Mario took us since he had a flight out at 10:15 back to Sicily. All checked in, but no boarding passes from Newark home...a hitch to deal with.

Sadly said our "See you later's" to Mario and thanked him for all his hardwork over the 10 days. The kids loved all his stories, his laughter, his singing, his joy of travel, and his love of Italy. A true master of his craft!

First flight was quite long - 10 hrs - Newark - got some sleep and watched a few movies. In Newark, after clearing customs, we had to go up to the 4th floor, recheck luggage and print boarding passes, then hustle off to security again and get to our gate...phew...

Had a few hours in Atlanta...which was extended another hour due to fixing a part on the oxygen tanks. Then, once boarded, they had to get a new pilot since ours timed out. Luckily we took off in time that the crew didn't time out...ay yi yi!

Made it home safe & sound, just an hour late. Kids were elated to see parents at the airport. Airports can be such a happy & sad place all rolled into one location...such a juxtaposition. Everyone's luggage showed - YIPPEE! So, we said our "See you in a few hours" and home we went for some precious hours of sleep in our own beds before our alarm clocks would wake us up to reality.

It was a super week - loved it all - possibly doing another Spring Break trip next year...am thinking Costa Rica!! Loved my Team Utah...oh, I mean Team Iowa :) Hopefully they are inspired to travel more in the future - I know I sure am!! :)

Thanks to all for reading our blog! You were with us there in spirit!
Hugs for now ~ steph :)

p.s. Next student trip is in June - we're off to Spain for 20 days!! :)
p.p.s. As for my streak...stay tuned!! I've got April figured out, but not May. June will be the 2 yr anniversary :)

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