Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Day 9: Friday: Shopping & Road Trippin'

Today we headed downtown Lima and did some shopping at the Inca market.  Great place for souvenirs!!! We then went to the infamous La Lucha for lunch - my favorite place!!  They serve amazing sandwiches & fries!!  We then loaded up in the vehicles and headed south.  Our last adventure lies 4 hours to the south of Lima:  Huacachina.  It's basically an oasis in the middle of sand dunes.  The drive is pretty basic, and we arrived at Las Bananas, our hostel for the next 2 days, around 7ish  The girls were in a room with 6 bunk beds and the boys had their own room.  There are many backpackers who stay at Las Bananas, so it's cool for the kids to see how a hostel works, and to meet people from all over the world.  We ordered some pizzas & just chilled the rest of the night.
More adventures tomorrow - stay tuned!!
*not many pictures from shopping & riding in a car all day lol

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