Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Day 11-12: Sunday/Monday....the long trek home

After breakfast, we packed up the bags, hopped in the vehicles, and started our trek home.  We made a quick stop in the beach town of Paracas.  Of course, the sun was out and it was beautiful in Paracas.  We stopped to see the pelican man, watched him feed the pelicans - hilarious!  Made a lunch stop, and then continued onto Lima.  Back at the townhouse, we showered, and packed up the bags for the airport.  Had our last pizza meal, and then off to the airport we went.  The airport was super busy - looooooong line at Copa, but all went well at check in.  Gave gifts to Daniel & staff, and sadly said good-bye.  Arrived home safe & sound, minus a sprint in Panama.

What a great week it's been here in Peru!  Thank you to Melissa, Cecilie, Sydney, Ava, Allie, and Tomas, for everything they have done for the community of Las Lomas over the past week.  You have left a beautiful impression on the hearts of many and I know they have left a beautiful impression on your own!  Continue to reach further and be the change!!!

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