Monday, July 2, 2018

Day 3: Saturday: Soccer & Youth Group

Our original plan today was to tour Lima City, to make comparisons between the capital and Las Lomas, but we had van issues, so we walked to Starbucks, and then also checked out the market, bought supplies for our games this week, and then headed up the hill.  Another delicious lunch.  We also got to watch a soccer game.  Along with the preschool, V4P has a soccer club, which also provides education to the young men of the team.  We were able to watch the first half of the 2nd Division's game.  Was neat to see a game, and not just watch practice.
Saturday's are a big day in Las Lomas, as the kids have Awansa, or Awana.  They always start with games, and we arrived just in time for my Gringos to participate.  Games they've never played, but the kids were helpful to explain how the games worked.  Next the kids go inside for Bible study, sing songs, listen to a short sermon (Noah's ark was today's theme), find out who won the games, and then have a snack & a drink.  What a great thing to see such a beautiful community come together!
After dinner started the Youth Group.  The players in the soccer club are required to attend Youth Group so many times a month to be eligible to play.  I think my students understood some of the message as the Pastor speaks very clearly and has a power point for us to follow.  Pastor even welcomed us here to their community, which was very sweet.  We are feeling very welcomed and very loved....and it's only the 3rd day!!

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