Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Day 7: Wednesday

Slept in a bit - tired from the workshop the night before.  Made a Starbucks run and up to Ventanilla we went.  Made a pit stop at the market to buy Hula-Hoops & dodgeballs.    Started with music again - that seems to draw them in.  Lots of little kids today, so we did some Duck Duck Goose (Pato Pato Ganso), Musical Chairs, Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance and some awesome YMCA led by Sydney & Ava.  We got the Hula Hoops out and passed those down the line, did an Over/Under with the balls, but they really wanted to play Sharks & Minnows, but man, they don't like to lose.  Last 2 games were Dodgeball (Matagente) and then Tug of War!  It was a great group of kids today, just not a lot of sun.
Dinner & then off to watch soccer practice.  Wasn't super cold tonight....well, it wasn't as cold as Monday.  We still needed blankets to keep warm!!
We have enjoyed our time up in Las Lomas and tomorrow is our last day....saaaadness will reign in the kingdom tomorrow......

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