Thursday, August 3, 2017

Day 11: Paracas to Lima....and home

We sadly left Huacachina this morning, en route back to Lima.  Our lunch stop was in a beautiful seaside town of Paracas.  It was a beautiful, sunny, hot day...stark contrast to yesterday...which would have been nice for the dune day...oh well!  We walked along the board walk and had a nice seafood lunch before our 4 hour drive back to Lima.  Quiet ride - the kids slept - most didn't even wake up when the cops randomly pulled us all over (it's a normal thing, so no worries).  We got back to Lima and went to Daniel's place as the Our Savior Lutheran Church had arrived while we were gone and were occupying our townhouse.  The kids changed, played with Willy (Daniel's beagle), repacked their bags.  I ran and got dinner before we took off to the airport.  It was weird saying good-bye to the kids and sending them home with someone else - that's the first time that's happened, so a bit weird experience for me...a bit sad as some will be gone to college before I get back.  The next group is set to arrive in a week, so I will be working with the Church group as they will be here between my groups.
Thank you all for all your work this week & thank you to the parents for sharing your kids with me!  What an impact they have had on this community here in Peru and I would guess it's the same in reverse - that this little community made a huge impact on your kid!

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