Friday, August 12, 2016

Day 8: Black Market & Volleyball

We had a comparatively slower day today. We slept in a bit and then went shopping at the Black Market. Basically an indoor mall with stall after stall after stall of imports. At first we thought they were knock offs, but the prices were the same at home. But the kids got a few things.
We then piled in the van & headed off to Las Lomas. Today was volleyball practice. Just as the boys have soccer Club, they are starting a girls volleyball club. Just in the beginning stages, it was fun for the kids! We played & hung out for a while.
For me a proud moment was when the kids of Las Lomas started up a Four Square game on their own...a game we just taught them...made my heart swell.
Our evening fun was back to the Mall for a great Italian dinner. I let the kids wander a bit...they wanted ice cream, of course. It was good for them to have some down time.
All in all, another fantastic day watching the kids engage & chat with the kids of Las Lomas. Such simple acts of kindness can go a long way.

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