Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day 6: Sports Camp 2.1

Today's morning routine was pretty much the same...breakfast, market, Olympics... Our fun addition was discovering the ketchup for the scrambled eggs, and the panini press for grilled cheese!! It's the simple things....
Another fun surprise came from the kids when they came home from the market...I was surprised with flowers....awwwwww... love those kids!!
Today we had more kids show up and had 12 on a team, thus 48 kids, plus some others running around! Today we did the Hula Hoops game & the Pass the Orange game again. Our fun was teaching the Peruvians Four Square. I think they got it, but may need to play again. We did Tug of War...which was more popular than we expected.  Our day ended in soccer fun and we put the 'gringos' as the goalies.  :)
After Camp, we headed to the mall, an outdoors setting,  had an amazing dinner at La Lucha, grabbed some ice cream, and headed to see a Ice Age 5, in Spanish. That was a new experience for the kids!
Tomorrow is our last day of Olympics Sports Camp. And we've got some fun planned, so stay tuned!!

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