Saturday, August 6, 2016

Day 2: Las Lomas

Today we headed up to Ventanilla and to Las Lomas to see the school where we will be volunteering next week. We did an overview of the area and stopped at a make shift cemetery.  As there is no designated place to bury the dead, the community created their own. Also, they deal with the mafia coming in and stealing the organs and fatty tissue from the corpses and selling them on the black market. That was a bit of an eye opener for the kids.
We then headed up the hill to the school, ate lunch inside, and then headed out to play. What started out as 3 kids coming to see what was going on, quickly turned in to 20+...Kids,  adults, etc.... It was soooo cool to see my PV kids playing with, interacting with, socializing with the Peruvians. Proud teacher moment. Parents should be proud too! We played soccer, basketball, volleyball, and taught them Four Square . We then headed to watch soccer practice.  A tradition when the boys arrive is to shake the hand of all the men and kiss the cheeks of all the girls.  Needless to say, lots of kissing occurred!
After an amazing, but a tad chilly day, we headed home...eyes opened, ready for next week!

I'll post some pics when I get back to stronger WiFi. Otherwise go check out the PVHS Roamin Spartans Facebook or Twitter pages for now.

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