Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 5: Delphi

Today we loaded up our bags & hopped on the bus nice & early and headed northwest towards Delphi.  It was a pretty quiet couple of hours as we all snoozed on the way. But, what a delightful surprise when we awoke to breathtaking mountains, capped with snow, and lush green valleys. I seriously thought we were in Switzerland.
Delphi is nestled up in these mountains, but it’s a bit more jagged & rocky there. We got a full tour of the place and learned about the Oracle and all that transpired in Delphi many, many years ago. We hiked up even further to see the stadium and were treated to jaw-dropping views of the Temple & the valley below.
The kids did a scavenger hunt/quiz in the museum. The winners?! Team Iowa:  Conor & Sarah!! The Team that picked what our guide, Maria, loves the most? Also Team Iowa:  Shannon & Brooklyn!  Prizes await them!
After a delicious lunch nestled in the hills with amazing views, we hit the road again. A good bus ride is never complete without ice cream.  J
Our final stop tonight is Patras. We are nestled right on the water & have some pretty amazing sunset pics.  WiFi is spotty, so if you’re reading this today, I actually got it loaded after the kids went to bed and stopped sucking up the WiFi. J

Tomorrow we’re off to the Races:  Olympia!!!!

Kids at Arachova

Cedric at Delphi

Daily ice cream pic

Sunset at Patras

Jumpin' for Joy with some of our Florida friends!


stempel said...

Love it. I see Cedric has finally decided to quit being camera shy

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! So much to see and sooooooo running out of time!

Unknown said...

Awesome. Wish I could be there.