Saturday, March 15, 2014

MLI - MSP - CDG - ATH: It's All Greek to Me!!

Today is our day!!  Spring Break is finally here!  After our LOOOOONG, COOOOLD winter, we are QUITE ready to get out of town and explore!
This year, we heading back to Europe for a 9 day tour of Greece!  It's been almost 12 years since I've been to Greece, so am excited to see it after all these years!  My guide the last time I was there, Roberto, is now the boss of the Athens office.  Am excited to catch up with him some more!
I have 11 students and 2 adults coming with me.  We are paired up with 2 co-groups from Florida.  Our guide is Maria, and it sounds like we're in good hands.

We have 3 flights over:  Moline - Minneapolis - Paris - Athens. And, since we have a couple tight lay-overs, we're all doing carry-ons.  I'm so proud of them all for taking this challenge on, but it's going to make life so much more easier...and we're guaranteed to have our stuff! My firiend, Bob, would be so proud!
Here's this year's edition of the famed T-shirts!  The kids chose a royal purple and this awesome design! Thanks, Eric, for the design idea!

So, wish us luck!  Follow us along as we linger where the Gods mingled.
We'll see you next Sunday!!
~steph :)

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