Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 17: Holy Toledo

After saying good-bye to the two Texas groups not joining us on our extension, we headed south of Madrid to the amazing town of Toledo - a walled city that is so well preserved.  We toured the cathedral, saw the treasury, saw the famous El Greco painting, and made our way thru the winding, narrow roads to this bridge, the San Martin bridge.
Our next stop was the Damascene factory where, yes, some of the kids got swords.  :)

Once back in Madrid, we had about 7 hours before heading for our night train, so we did a nice, leisurely lunch at Hard Rock.  Sorry Bob - had to do it!!

To 'redeem' ourselves after HRC, we headed across the street to the National library to see the Leonardo DaVinci papers that are going to be restored, bound, and stored away.  Was pretty cool!

Before heading back to the hotel, we made a stop at a grocery store to stock up for the night train.

All in all, great day in Toledo - so beautiful!!
The night train gets it's own blog, so stay tuned!
~steph :)

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