Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 12: MOROCCO!!!

Off to Morocco we went!  Up bright & early to catch a ferry from Algecieras to Ceuta, a Spanish town in northern Africa.  The above pic is the kids on the ferry headed across the straight of Gibraltar.
Then, after meeting our guide, we crossed the Morocco border and headed to Tetouan.  Our first stop was to ride Camels!!  All the kids did it - got some great individual pics for them to share with you!  Quite entertaining!!!
We toured the Medina and luckily had guards & guides to show the way because we'd never find our way out.  The kids weren't real thrilled about the 'lovely' smells coming from the markets & medina.  We stopped in a Pharmacy were we could buy spices, oils, lotions and get amazing neck massages....sigh... We also went to a rug store and saw all the amazing tapestries...such skill.  The kids tried their luck at haggling... I'll let  them tell you their stories!  Lunch was very authentic - a lovely beef soup, couscous with chicken & vegetables & the best mint tea!

Here's Kate fitting in with the locals!! 

After a loooooong day in Morocco, we caught a ferry back, napped on the bus home, grabbed a quick dinner, called the fathers...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, PAPA!!... and of course had to get some ice cream!  Sadly James & I learned a hard lesson - don't get the Malaga creme...has raisins in it...UCK UCK UCK!!

Tomorrow we have a lazy morning, then going to the Fish Foot place again (as per the kids' request) and then heading northwest to that town!!

Thanks for all the comments - the kids love hearing that family & friends are reading this & following our adventures!!

~steph :)

1 comment:

JodiKC said...

Did Kate get the pants? I really need to go to the fish foot place!