Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 13: Traversing lovely Andalucia

We had a nice slow morning today...which was nice after a looooong day in the African sun.  The kids & I headed back down to the fish foot spa and spent another $12 for 10 minutes of fish foot fun!  It was actually relaxing this time...surprising, I know!  Wandered around the town a bit, grabbed a quick lunch & off on the bus we went.
Our next destination is Sevilla - a bit northwest of Torremolinos - about 4 hrs on the bus...which equals nap time for the kids.

We made a pit stop at a truck stop and Brian tried his luck at video such luck...
This picture does no justice to the landscape of Andalucia...there are groves & groves & groves of olive trees everywhere, as well as these gorgeous sunflower fields.

We arrived in Sevilla and got all settled into our hotel - it's a bit outside of town, so not much to do but hang out and play on our Wi-Fi. We actually had to pay for our internet at this place  :(

After dinner, we headed up & down the street trying to find a place to watch the big match.
We found this bar a few doors down, the Truck Drivers Bar.  There were about 8 locals when we overtook the place to watch the big Spain v. Croatia in the EuroCup.  Finally, at about the 83 minute mark, the Real Madrid gave us something to cheer about!  The place went crazy!  Was fun to be amongst the locals during a big game.  This gave Spain 1st place in their pool and will move onto the next round.

Tomorrow we're off for a tour of lovely Sevilla - hoping the weather is not a scorcher - it was pretty warm when we arrived today.  Sevilla is one of my most favorite cities so am excited to have some time to wander.

~steph :)

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