Saturday, August 3, 2019

Peru #10: Here they come!!

Today is their day - they're off and away!!  Arriving later tonight is our Peru Group #10!  Hard to believe that just 4 years ago we took our first trip to volunteer in Peru in 2016....and now here comes #10!
They left the HS bright and early Saturday morning and headed to O'Hare.  Flight pattern the same as all the other groups - Chicago to Panama to Lima on Copa Airlines. Easy peasy!
We have 5 students and 1 teacher coming this round. Returning are Addie, Bell, and Kayla. New to Peru are Ramya & Carter.  All being escorted by Mr. Ahlgren.
Excited for what the week has in store for this group and Las Lomas and Voices4Peru are eagerly awaiting their arrival!

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