Saturday, August 10, 2019

Last day in Lomas: Fri, Aug 9

Today was our last day up the Hill in Las Lomas. Some of the regulars were out when we first got there,  so we grabbed some balls, balloons,  and bubbles and off we went. More and more started to show. We got the music out and here they came! Did some good dancing for our last day. Got in a fun round of musical chairs. Good ol' fun with Tiburones (Sharks & Minnows). Grabbed to rope for tug-of-war....and then Diego left with the keys to go wash the Jeep. Problem: all our equipment for the next bunch of games was locked in the shed... and Diego had the keys. So we improvised. Took a group picture.  Passed out suckers. Got the balls back out....and sidewalk chalk. So what started out as cute drawing on the court with the chalk ended in kids coloring their faces and clothes with well as my gringos.  Looked like pastel skittles threw up all over the place.
But then, sadly came the time to say good-bye. Tears were shed. Smiles & hugs all around. Photos can only capture part of the love.  Great job, Spartans!!
We headed, quietly, to practice,  busted out our Spartan gear, and played some soccer. That was a good distraction!!
Headed to dinner...our our last ice cream, and then back for last practice.
Tomorrow we're heading south out of the city to the sand dunes of Huacachina...and hopefully some sun!

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