Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Games!!! Tues, Aug 6

We slept in a bit and made a Starbucks run before heading out of town.  We took a different route today thru the Callao as we were on a mission.  The PanAmerican games are being held right now in Lima (hence all the traffic headaches) but we went down towards the stadium looking for PanAmerican games shirts. Sadly no such luck.
Another great meal in Las Lomas, and then up the Hill we went.  One girl was waiting for us, but once we got the speakers out and started playing the music, more and more came.  We probably had about 30 kids come play today.  We did some basic Duck Duck Goose, a little YMCA/Chicken Dancing, taught Mr. Ahlgren Baby Shark, and did some musical chairs.  Fan fave of the Peruvians is Tug of War, so we played Gringos vs. Peruanos (Peruvians kicked our butt twice). Then we played boys vs girls - GIRLS WON!!!!  Another fave is Matagente (people killer) but it's dodge ball!  Lots of laughs, smiles, and a defeat of the gringos.
It's just fun to watch our PV kids interact with the Peruvians whether they were blowing bubbles with Ramya, trying to play basketball with Ahlgren &Carter, dancing with Kayla, or playing Duck Duck Goose with Addie &  Bell.  Our PV kids are amazing!  So proud of them and can't wait for another day of games tomorrow!!

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