Monday, June 18, 2018

#27: España, here we come!!!

It's that time of the year again!  We are ready to embark on our trip to Spain, but this year with a different twist!  Normally we tour Spain in the even numbered years - fun to be in Europe when World Cup or Euro Cup is happening. Well, this year we are trying a different tour, a Language Immersion tour.  Instead of hopping around from one city to another, we stay in one city and really get to know that city, know the neighborhoods, etc...  Then, Mon-Fri, the kids take language workshops at the EF Language School that will help them with their afternoon activities.  We have 15 students joining us this year, some having completed Spanish 3, many have completed Spanish 4, and will be in my AP class in the Fall, and a few have already completed AP.  We will spend a week in Madrid & then head to Barcelona for a few days before coming home.  Mrs. Buchter & I are excited to go with the kids and try something new.  We are so proud of the kids who took the leap to try something new, to spend most of their day immersed in the Spanish language and culture.  That's pretty impressive!!  We have great flights:  MLI - ATL - MAD, easy peasy. Our guide is Patricia, and she is more then ready for us to show.
Bring on #27!!!

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