Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Day 10: All about Gaudi

We slept in a bit this morning (yeah!) and then headed to Parque Guell.  Most of us took a taxi up the hill while others took the Metro & then walked.  Our guide, Aida, met us there and explained all about Gaudi and his vision for the park.  The tile mosaics are just amazing!!
We caught a public bus to Sagrada Familia, and had our first close encounter with pick-pocketers.  No one tried anything on the kids - but we saw them trying with other tourists.  Darn Sausages!! LOL
We then were treated to a beautiful tour of Sagrada Familia!  To think that it's not complete...whoah...and then to imagine what it will be like when it IS finally done..... wow!!!
We headed back to the Gothic quarter for some free time...or ice cream, and then met up to do a bike tour!  With a local guide, all the kids headed down towards the beach along the boardwalk, to see the city by bike!  What a blast!!!
We are enjoying Barcelona greatly, but looking for a quiet day tomorrow!!

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