Saturday, March 17, 2018

Day 7: Olympia

Up and at em today earned us being the first group into the site of Olympia!! So peaceful & quiet...and a bit magical!!
Our guide showed us all the amazing sites: the gym, bath house, Zeus Temple, losers row , even where they light the torch every 2 yrs. We ended in the stadium and had a sprint to the finish line, winner getting am Olive branch wreath. Congrats to Logan who smoked all the competition!
Did a scavenger hunt thru the Olympic museum, stopped at an Archimedes museum as well, grabbed lunch, and on tge road we headed as well. 4 hour drive to Delphi with a stop at the amazing Harry bridge and a delicious bakery. We drive along the coast before winding our way up the hills to get to Delphi. The town is 2 one-way streets, so our mini-van blocked traffic to unload the bags.
Just one night here as tomorrow we head to see Delphi and the oracle.
Stay tuned!!

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