Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 14: Sydney--Round 2

Today was our free day in Sydney and thankfully the rain held off for us.  Because our Duck Boat burnt to the ground, EF gave us a free tour of the Sydney Opera House.  Soooo cool to see what it looks like on the inside.  After that, we took off & headed to the aquarium – that Sydney aquarium is amazing.  We spent 2 hours there exploring – even got to see the platypus!!  Grabbed some lunch and then wandered into downtown Sydney.  Kids went off for some shopping fun. Kathryn’s cousin joined us as well.  I went & met a friend I hadn’t seen in years.  We all met back up & caught the bus back to the hotel.  As it’s Courtney’s 18th birthday, we had to celebrate with cake!!  Now I’ve got five 18 yr olds!!  J  Said good-bye to our Texan & Puerto Rican friends as they are going to Hawaii tomorrow and not with us north.  Headed back to the hotel to pack for our 6 am flight. Sorry this is short, but it’s late and we have a suuuuper early shuttle to catch in the a.m…4 to be exact.
Off to get some shut eye – we’re off to Cairns tomorrow!!

~steph J

My PVHS Roamin' Spartans!!

Fun at the Aquarium
Happy 18th, Courtney!!

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